Wilderness rivers, lakes and ponds offer varied fishing waters
There are hundreds of kilometers of rivers fit for sport fishing in Savukoski region – from the great and mighty Kemijoki all the way down to the smaller brown trout streams. We have rapids, streams, backwaters – something for everyone. Those interested in fishing should explore the informative website operated by the Kalastajan Savukoski ry, which provides information also on the Ylikemi’s fishing area, including Miekkakoski, Pahtakoski and Savukoski.
Yli-kemi’s fishing area
The largest permit area of Savukoski, reaching all the way to the neighbouring municipalities of Salla and Pelkosenniemi. (Map attached). The description of the area can be found on the website of The Federation of Finnish Fisheries Associations.
Kemijoki, from the mouth of Kitinen – to the Savukoski centre approx. 40 km
The largest rapids of Kemijoki are found in this stretch. The width of the river ranges between 50 and 100 meters. Big and small rapids are the feeding areas of trouts and graylings, so opportunities for fly-fishing and lure fishing are great. Fly-fishing on rowing boats is done in the area from midsummer to august and during the end of the summer trolling is done. Tributaries are part of the permit area.
Kemijoki, from the Savukoski centre – to the mouth of Kairijoki, approx. 48 km
The river is narrower and shallower in this stretch than before. As the home of the strongest currents Savukoski is the most famous fishing spot. The trout and grayling fish stocks are good, and there are several tributaries rich in fish. The river portion is excellent for fishing on boat. The lower parts of Yli-Arajoki are not part of the permit area, but the government owned top parts are.
Värriöjoki and its tributaries
If you want to fish from the shore, it’s easy to do in Värriöjoki and in its tributaries. There you can find small wild trouts and rare brook trouts. Rapid and current spots have been restored. The nature reserve of Maltio is not part of the permit area.
Tenniöjoki from Kemijoki to the mouth of the Naruskajoki, 45 km
Tenniö is the slowest and deepest river, with excellent opportunities for trolling. Rapid and current spots have been restored. Fishable fish are large trouts, greylings, pikes and whitefish. Pike caught from the cold flowing water is a tasty and valuable fish. The tributaries are part of the permit area. The most important of these is Maltio with its tributaries. You can find the naturally small trout, grayling and whitefish in Maltio. From the long rapid to the Illilä, the mouth of the Nilihaara and Kenttämaa’s section are not part of the permit area.
Naruskajoki, the mouth of the Naruskajoki – Naruskajärvi
Naruska is a river well-known for canoeing, fly-fishing and lure fishing. Fishable fish are trout, whitefish and pike. Rapid and current spots have been restored. The eastern tributaries of Naruskajoki and Upper-Naruska are not part of the permit area.
Kuolajoki, from the mouth of the Kuolajoki to the mouth of the Aatsinki, Aatsinkijoki, Jouttenoja and Kivihaara
Kuolajoki is excellent river for fly-fishing and lure fishing. Aatsinjoki flows through Joutsenaapa, which is part of Natura – conservation area of Kaita-aapa. Joutsenoja is a lush wilderness dike in the middle of a protected area. Fishable fish are grayling, trout and pike, which are often caught in large numbers especially in the early summer. The rivers in this regions are more lush than the other rivers of Yli-Kemi, so the amount of pikes caught is relatively higher.
You can purchase Yläkemi’s fishing permits from the local companies and online.
The challenging Nuorttijoki, a river in the UK-park at the northern part of Savukoski, is known for its canyons. Nuorttijoki flows to the Nuorttijärvi in Russia, and it offers plenty of challenges to both lure fishers and fly-fishers alike, because of its natural fish stock, trouts and graylings. The river has beautiful surroundings, it flows in a canyon that turns more rugged as the border gets closer. The closest home base near the Nuortti in the wilderness is Tulppio. You can purchase three hour, one day, week and season permits to the fishing area number 3550 of Nuorttijoki (www.eraluvat.fi).
korvatunturi’s Recreational fishing area
The Korvatunturi’s recreational fishing area no. 3546 located at the top of Kemijoki river includes the following: Kemijoki and its tributaries from the mouth of the Uuraoja to the mouth of the Kairijoki and Kairijoki and its tributaries. During the fishing season catch sized trouts are released to the area. The fish stock also includes greyling and whitefish. Over half of the Kairijoki’s main channel are free flowing rapids, which are great for fly-fishing. It is possible to wade in these rivers. Kemijoki’s main river bed goes from gradual slow rapids to fast flowing backwaters, and it’s also great for casting. The wilderness-style fishing and canoeing destinations are near the roads. Brown and brook trout stocks naturally breeding in the small tributaries. The home base in Kairijoki is Kairijoen Eräkeskus, which serves fishers and travellers in summer. Eräkeskus also sells other fishing permits of the region.
other fishing spots
At the crown of the Kemijoki, at the gates of the UK-park Kemihaaran loma serves fishers. In the UK-parks’ fishing area no. 1563 (www.eraluvat.fi) you can buy permits for one day, for one week and for entire season. The lakes rich in fish popular amongst the locals are, for example, Akanjärvi, Ainijärvi and Arajärvi.
fishing permit and fishing equipment
You can find more information about the fishing permits for example from https://www.eraluvat.fi/kalastus.html. A fisher, aged 18-64, must have paid the fisheries management fee as well as have a regional permit (www.eraluvat.fi)
Fisher must check the fishing restrictions, which can be found on kalastusrajoitus.fi.
You can buy fishing equipment locally for example from the following businesses: Kairijoen Eräkeskus, Kone-Virta Ky and SEO Korvatunturi.